CI Python Linter

import json import stripe from django.http import JsonResponse from django.conf import settings from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from booking.models import Booking # Set the Stripe API key and endpoint secret from settings stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY endpoint_secret = settings.STRIPE_WH_SECRET @csrf_exempt # Disable CSRF protection for this view @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def stripe_webhook(request): """ Handle incoming webhook events from Stripe. Args: request (HttpRequest): The HTTP request object containing the event. Returns: JsonResponse: A JSON response indicating the status of the webhook handling. """ payload = request.body sig_header = request.META.get('HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE') event = None try: # Verify the webhook signature to ensure it's from Stripe event = stripe.Webhook.construct_event( payload, sig_header, endpoint_secret ) except ValueError as e: # Invalid payload return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid payload'}, status=400) except stripe.error.SignatureVerificationError as e: # Invalid signature return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid signature'}, status=400) # Handle the event based on the type if event['type'] == 'payment_intent.succeeded': handle_payment_intent_succeeded(event) elif event['type'] == 'payment_intent.payment_failed': handle_payment_intent_failed(event) elif event['type'] == 'charge.succeeded': handle_charge_succeeded(event) elif event['type'] == 'charge.updated': handle_charge_updated(event) else: # Other event types can be handled here print(f"Unhandled event type {event['type']}") return JsonResponse({'status': 'success'}, status=200) def handle_payment_intent_succeeded(event): """ Handle successful payment intent events. Args: event (dict): The Stripe event data containing payment intent info. """ payment_intent = event['data']['object'] # Contains a stripe.PaymentIntent stripe_pid = payment_intent['id'] try: # Find the corresponding booking using the Stripe PID booking = Booking.objects.get(stripe_pid=stripe_pid) except Booking.DoesNotExist: print(f"No booking found for Payment Intent ID {stripe_pid}.") return # Update booking status to 'paid' booking.payment_status = 'paid' print( f"Payment successful for {booking.user.personal_details.username} " f"with tutor {booking.tutor.tutor_firstname} " f"{booking.tutor.tutor_lastname}." ) def handle_payment_intent_failed(event): """ Handle failed payment intent events. Args: event (dict): The Stripe event data containing payment intent info. """ payment_intent = event['data']['object'] stripe_pid = payment_intent['id'] try: # Find the corresponding booking using the Stripe PID booking = Booking.objects.get(stripe_pid=stripe_pid) except Booking.DoesNotExist: print(f"No booking found for Payment Intent ID {stripe_pid}.") return # Update booking status to 'failed' booking.payment_status = 'failed' print( f"Payment failed for {booking.user.personal_details.username} " f"with tutor {booking.tutor.tutor_firstname} " f"{booking.tutor.tutor_lastname}." ) def handle_charge_succeeded(event): """ Handle successful charge events. Args: event (dict): The Stripe event data containing charge info. """ charge = event['data']['object'] # Contains a stripe.Charge print( f"Charge was successful! Charge ID: {charge['id']}, " f"Amount: {charge['amount']}" ) def handle_charge_updated(event): """ Handle updated charge events. Args: event (dict): The Stripe event data containing charge info. """ charge = event['data']['object'] # Contains a stripe.Charge print( f"Charge updated! Charge ID: {charge['id']}, Status: " f"{charge['status']}" )



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