CI Python Linter

from django import forms from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator from .models import ( Tutor, ProgrammingLanguage, SignLanguage, DayAvailability, TimeSlot ) from cloudinary.forms import CloudinaryFileField import re class TutorAdminForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Custom form for validating Tutor fields in the admin. This form ensures that at least one of the many-to-many fields (programming languages, sign languages, day availability, and time availability) is selected before a tutor can be saved. Attributes: model (Type[Tutor]): The model associated with this form. fields (list): All fields from the Tutor model. """ class Meta: model = Tutor fields = '__all__' def clean(self): """ Custom validation to ensure that required Many-to-Many fields are selected. Raises: ValidationError: If any of the required Many-to-Many fields are empty. Returns: dict: Cleaned data from the form. """ cleaned_data = super().clean() # Get the ManyToMany fields programming_languages = cleaned_data.get('programming_languages') sign_languages = cleaned_data.get('sign_languages') day_availability = cleaned_data.get('day_availability') time_availability = cleaned_data.get('time_availability') # Custom validation: check if any of the M2M fields are empty if not programming_languages: raise ValidationError( "Please select at least one programming language." ) if not sign_languages: raise ValidationError( "Please select at least one sign language." ) if not day_availability: raise ValidationError( "Please select at least one day of availability." ) if not time_availability: raise ValidationError("Please select at least one time slot.") return cleaned_data class TutorForm(forms.ModelForm): """ A form for creating and updating Tutor instances. This form handles the validation and presentation of fields related to the tutor, including programming languages, sign languages, availability, price, and a profile picture. Attributes: programming_languages (ModelMultipleChoiceField): The programming languages that the tutor can teach. sign_languages (ModelMultipleChoiceField): The sign languages that the tutor can teach. day_availability (ModelMultipleChoiceField): The days of the week when the tutor is available. time_availability (ModelMultipleChoiceField): The time slots when the tutor is available. price (DecimalField): The hourly rate of the tutor. photo (CloudinaryFileField): The profile picture of the tutor. """ programming_languages = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=ProgrammingLanguage.objects.all(), widget=forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={'size': '5'}), required=True, error_messages={ 'required': _("Please select at least one programming language.") } ) sign_languages = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=SignLanguage.objects.all(), widget=forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={'size': '5'}), required=True, error_messages={ 'required': _("Please select at least one sign language.") } ) day_availability = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=DayAvailability.objects.all(), widget=forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={'size': '5'}), required=True, error_messages={ 'required': _("Please select at least one day of availability.") } ) time_availability = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=TimeSlot.objects.all(), widget=forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={'size': '5'}), required=True, error_messages={'required': _("Please select at least one time slot.")} ) price = forms.DecimalField( max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, validators=[ MinValueValidator(0.00), MaxValueValidator(99.99) ], widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={ 'placeholder': '0.00', 'class': 'form-control price-input' }) ) photo = CloudinaryFileField( required=True, error_messages={ 'required': _("Please upload a profile picture."), 'invalid': _("Invalid image file.") } ) class Meta: model = Tutor fields = [ 'tutor_firstname', 'tutor_lastname', 'tutor_email', 'programming_languages', 'sign_languages', 'day_availability', 'time_availability', 'price', 'photo' ] widgets = { 'tutor_firstname': forms.TextInput(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Enter your first name', 'class': 'form-control' }), 'tutor_lastname': forms.TextInput(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Enter your last name', 'class': 'form-control' }), 'tutor_email': forms.EmailInput(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Enter your email address', 'class': 'form-control' }), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes the form and sets a default photo URL if not uploaded. Args: args: Positional arguments for form initialization. kwargs: Keyword arguments for form initialization. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # If the form is invalid, set the default photo URL if self.instance and not self.fields['photo'].initial = 'tutor_images/default.jpg' def clean_tutor_firstname(self): """ Validates and cleans the tutor's first name. Raises: ValidationError: If the first name is invalid or empty. Returns: str: The cleaned first name. """ firstname = self.cleaned_data.get('tutor_firstname') # Remove leading/trailing spaces in the output to the DB legible_firstname = firstname.strip() # Replace multiple spaces with a single space in the output to the DB legible_firstname = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', legible_firstname) # Ensure no leading or trailing spaces around hyphens before output DB legible_firstname = re.sub(r'\s*-\s*', '-', legible_firstname) # Check if first name contains only valid characters if not re.match(r"^[A-Za-z\s' -]*$", legible_firstname): raise ValidationError( "First name must contain only letters, \ spaces, apostrophes, and hyphens." ) # Check for empty input after cleaning if not legible_firstname: raise ValidationError("First name cannot be empty.") # Ensure at least one letter is present if not"[A-Za-z]", legible_firstname): raise ValidationError( "First name must contain at least one letter." ) return legible_firstname # Return cleaned first name def clean_tutor_lastname(self): """ Validates and cleans the tutor's last name. Raises: ValidationError: If the last name is invalid or empty. Returns: str: The cleaned last name. """ lastname = self.cleaned_data.get('tutor_lastname') # Remove leading/trailing spaces in output to DB legible_lastname = lastname.strip() # Replace multiple spaces with a single space in output to DB legible_lastname = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', legible_lastname) # Ensure no leading or trailing spaces around hyphens before output DB legible_lastname = re.sub(r'\s*-\s*', '-', legible_lastname) # Check if last name contains only valid characters if not re.match(r"^[A-Za-z\s' -]*$", legible_lastname): raise ValidationError( "Last name must contain only letters, \ spaces, apostrophes, and hyphens." ) # Check for empty input after cleaning if not legible_lastname: raise ValidationError("Last name cannot be empty.") # Ensure at least one letter is present if not"[A-Za-z]", legible_lastname): raise ValidationError( "Last name must contain at least one letter." ) return legible_lastname # Return cleaned last name def clean_tutor_email(self): """ Validates the tutor's email. Raises: ValidationError: If email is empty or invalid. Returns: str: The cleaned email address. """ email = self.cleaned_data.get('tutor_email') # Check if email is valid using Django's built-in email validator if not email: raise ValidationError("Email address cannot be empty.") return email # Return valid email address



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